CertiCraft Learning Centre

Why They Switched to CertiCraft #3: Sun Coast Cannabis

Written by Sami Majadla | Jun 8, 2023 5:15:09 PM

The Facility: Sun Coast Cannabis

Facility Overview: Micro-cultivation and micro-processing            Conversation with: Aimee Thornber
Role on Team: CFO
Location: Sunshine Coast, BC                                                                      Favourite thing about CertiCraft: “If I need help, you guys are there. If I have an issue, it gets resolved the same day. You even send me step-by-step instructions with pictures! It's great!”

Experience with Previous System

“[Redacted] was my worst nightmare. They didn't have a knowledgebase like you guys do, so I had to guess how to do certain things. They didn't have an editing system either, so when I did the wrong thing, I had to ask them to fix it for me. Sometimes I never heard back from them. When I did, they'd schedule a conference call 3 weeks out where l had to spend literal hours convincing them that it was an actual mistake. They made me feel horrible."

Before Switching to CertiCraft

  • Fixing mistakes was stressful.
  • The customer support was horrible.
  • [Redacted] was buggy and unreliable.
  • This meant I had to do government reports manually

Why CertiCraft?

“I actually wanted to use CertiCraft originally, but the consultant we were working with pushed us to [redacted]. After our terrible experience with [redacted], I reached out to you guys because you make it so easy. Your system is well laid out and simple to follow and understand. Somebody who isn't good with software could easily use it.”

Since Switching to CertiCraft

I just love it so much! It's great! Everything about CertiCraft is better than [redacted]. It's just so easy to use! It makes sense and has saved me a lot of headache. Thank you for making it! I'm also so happy to finally be able to submit my monthly reports from software. Doing that manually before CertiCraft really sucked.”