CertiCraft Learning Centre

Why They Switched to CertiCraft #8: Kush Mountain Craft

Written by Sami Majadla | Aug 15, 2024 9:56:00 PM

The Facility: Kush Mountain Craft

Facility Overview: Micro-cultivation, micro-processing
Conversation with:
Tyson and Justine Wall
Role on Team: CEO, Master Grower / RP, AQAP
Location: Prince George, BC

Tyson's favourite thing about CertiCraft: "How easy it is! It's so simple. I am not a computer person, so having something that's easy for me to understand and easy to train our staff is such a breath of fresh air."

Justine's favourite thing about CertiCraft:
"Using CertiCraft makes reading and downloading your data really easy. When we had our recent CRA audit, putting together an inventory list was effortless. We knew exactly what we had in our facility, so we’re really pleased with how well it's working for us."

Experience with Previous System

Justine: "The onboarding with [redacted] was overwhelming. The process took much longer than we had time for. It was also too complicated to train our staff, so I ended up doing most of the work."

Tyson: "I didn’t feel confident handling processing entries with our old software. I’d write what I did on paper and pass those notes to Justine. Even when we thought we did things right, things still went wrong. Getting the correct data to show up in [redacted] was really hard, and fixing those issues was a constant headache."

Justine: "Yeah, I'd often find mistakes in the final numbers. Fixing them was harder than it should’ve been. I had to reach out to [redacted]'s customer support for corrections, and things would quickly turn into a mess that's really hard to come back from."

Before Switching to CertiCraft

  • Overwhelming and lengthy onboarding process with [redacted].
  • Too complicated to train staff, especially those who are older or less tech-savvy.
  • Frequent errors due to the complexity of [redacted].
  • Lengthy process to fix errors; required customer support assistance.
  • Processing especially complex; incorrect numbers when creating packages.
  • High stress due to all of the above.

Why CertiCraft?

Justine: "Eventually, it became clear that something had to change. The stress and inefficiency were taking their toll, and we needed a solution that would work for everyone on our team. That’s when I remembered Nick from CertiCraft. We had touched base a few times, and Tyson suggested reaching out to him again to see if CertiCraft could offer a simpler, more user-friendly alternative. And it was exactly as promised!"

Since Switching to CertiCraft

Justine: "Using CertiCraft has really transformed our workflow. Tyson and I alone are now saving 45-60 hours a month, and our staff are actually using the system too, easing the workload even further. Monthly reports that used to take a day and a half now take just a click, which is incredible. Data entry is straightforward. Checking our inventory is easy. We’ve also cut down on the constant back-and-forth over data issues, which has made everything smoother, and it's so easy to fix any mistakes we make on our own. CertiCraft has made a huge difference for us!"

Would you recommend CertiCraft?

Justine: "I would say make the switch! A system that might seem 'fancier' isn't better. Simplicity is key in cannabis."                     

Tyson: "CertiCraft is super user-friendly for everyone on our team, whether they're comfortable with technology or not. It's designed to be easy to learn, even for someone like me who’s not great with computer software. If we make a mistake, it's not a big deal. It's simple to hop on and make an edit or backdate. There's not a lot of room for user error, which has been great when we're training new staff. It's been a game-changer to see our staff become confident using CertiCraft."