CertiCraft Learning Centre

The Challenges with Cannabis Packaging and Labelling Requirements

Written by Sami Majadla | Aug 22, 2023 9:35:05 PM

In the dynamic world of cannabis, where innovation and creativity are highly valued, one might expect that labelling and packaging would mirror the vibrancy of the industry itself. However, the reality is much more complex and restrictive. Cannabis labelling and packaging requirements, governed by Health Canada's regulations, present a unique set of challenges that have far-reaching impacts. In this article, we unpack some of the challenges in the intricate world of cannabis packaging and explore the regulations that shape this facet of the industry.

Striking a Balance in Design

Have you ever wondered why Canadian cannabis packages lack the vibrant designs seen on craft beer labels or cannabis packages in the US? The answer lies in Health Canada's guiding hand. These rules dictate colour schemes, graphics, and branding choices. The rules, while intended to eliminate child appeal, inadvertently stifle the industry's creative expression. An additional restriction comes in the form of choosing between a logo or a slogan, limiting the ability to convey a comprehensive brand identity. 

Concealed Packages and Childproofing

Imagine unwrapping a vaguely labelled mystery gift only to be less than thrilled with the contents inside. This scenario is the standard when it comes to buying packaged cannabis products in Canada. Cannabis products are highly concealed, with strict packaging rules intended for child safety. However, this contrasts with the more relaxed approach towards alcohol bottling or tobacco packaging. These stigma-driven policies reinforce outdated beliefs that cannabis is something that must be “protected against” while infuriating many adults who just want to enjoy some cannabis without playing a “how-do-I-open-this-package” puzzle. 

Environmental Impact of Packaging

Historically, cannabis was one of the least environmentally impactful consumer goods, thanks to bulk distribution models. However, the contemporary landscape now tells a different story. The shift from bulk distribution to individualized, excessive packaging has raised environmental concerns. This switch doesn't align with the green image once associated with cannabis.  It's a bit like going from eco-hero to plastic culprit. The rise in packaging waste poses a significant challenge for an industry that was historically sustainable.

Struggles for Small-Scale Producers

Small-scale cannabis producers face unique challenges due to these packaging regulations. Unlike industries like craft beer, where labels are a canvas for artistic expression, cannabis producers are confined to strict guidelines that restrict their ability to convey brand stories and values. The inability to even include a QR code for additional information further compounds the challenges. This not only limits their reach, but also hampers a craft cannabis producer’s ability to stand out in a competitive market.

As the cannabis industry matures and evolves, the intricacies of labelling and packaging requirements stand as a testament to the stigma-based approach that the government has taken toward regulating the industry. Balancing creativity, strict regulations, and environmental sustainability remains a complex endeavour. The industry is in limbo, trying to balance between adhering to necessary regulations and still fostering innovation. As discussions continue around labelling and packaging rules, we hope to see a new framework emerge that reflects the vibrant spirit of the cannabis community.